5 Key Factors to Consider Before Selecting the Right Recruitment Agency in Southeast Asia

Recruitment Agency

Various job recruitment companies online in Bangkok are rampant nowadays, and they always give you details that show excellent criteria and promising benefits on their hiring and staffing services. But the questions are: are they reliable? Are they real? Is the information accurate? We must set key ideas before considering these agencies.

A recruitment company is an agency that deals with searching for qualified and suitable applicants to be accepted by other companies or organizations. With just a straightforward search on the internet, different agencies show enticing advantages, especially on earning revenues. With a simple search online, you’ll have numerous lists of available job openings introduced by these online recruitment agencies.

Unfortunately, some of these job recruitment companies are not who they say they are. Some pose as genuine recruiters but are scammers who access your private information, especially your bank account details. They are difficult to spot, and they utilize data from authentic organizations to make the job more believable. You must look out within its framework if they have a mature outlook and credible content.

A good foundation for job seekers to get a reputable career is to initiate and set up evaluations and tips to properly assess the job recruitment company. It’s a good thing you’re reading this right now because you’ll be familiarized with several signals to consider before accessing and applying for any online recruitment company:


Always do your research before engaging in any recruitment agencies online. You can access most of their primary and essential information in their ‘about us link. You can also check their management team to get to know their chairman and their other staff.

Take your time, do in-depth research, and scrutinize these essential details, for they allow more avenues in understanding the nature and culture of the recruitment agency.

You can also get help in adding more information by asking your colleagues and, if possible, their previous employees. You will then gain insights from these casual or professional comments coming from this agency and weigh whether you must continue with this agency or find better ones.


There are many online recruitment companies out there, and it’s difficult to tell if they’re legitimate or not. Thus, you can check their profile for any information on affiliations with a recognized government or semi-government bodies to get a better idea about their status, or you can check for certifications on their website.

All the descriptions they offer might look tempting, but it’s better to make sure everything is legitimate. You can also access government websites in Bangkok to see whether this recruitment agency is under their paradigm, which ensures trust and credibility.


When money is involved, decline and withdraw with this recruitment agency even when you’re not signing the contract yet. A real recruitment agency only allows charges after signing for costs under important documents, usually on the first monthly salary.

You have the right to request receipts and proofs for any transaction or payment performed by this agency. That’s questionable. Never spend a single dime until you’ve been hired, no matter how convincing they appear to be. Like they say, “It’s better to be safe than sorry.”


Being licensed is a sufficient reason for this recruitment agency to be relied upon. Still, if you see success stories and certifications from these recruitment agencies, they will give you more ideas that these agencies uphold legitimate reputations, increasing their trustworthiness. You can also track credentials for any awards, if possible, that show their successful operations. These pointers will additionally give you confidence that you’re on the right track.

Recruitment agencies are constantly vying on the top spot, and one way to get this is to have an excellent online reputation and valid certifications. You can also check positive feedback under the services they offer and share experiences from different databases or sites about how these agencies treat their clients and successfully actualize their programs.


If they offer an attractive high salary, sound too evasive when asked, and inconsistency in giving information, then avoid that agency immediately because they are already showing several red flags that a particular recruitment agency possesses. A reputable recruitment agency will always stick to its established principles and rules.

Always check their integrity through tracking their consistency if your in-depth research matches the details given during the interview. Another way is to check if they truly spend time and ample attention on you during the recruitment process. Seeing how professional they act and cater to you as an applicant is a good indication. Still, assessing every detail, they give for these might be a trap for a serious consequence later.

Now that you know all these essential factors in choosing the top recruitment company, the choice is now yours whether you continue or not. On your end, you can write and establish proper questions to assess whether that recruitment agency is legitimate. These can be your reliable measures to take precautions in dealing with different recruitment companies online.

Since you’re tracking down a legitimate recruitment agency for your chosen career, are you looking for something specializing in construction, finance, manufacturing, transportation, telecommunication, oil & gas power, and IT? Then Vinarco international is the right recruitment agency for you.

For over 24 years of successful service, Vinarco, an international recruitment company, has transformed lives by offering a wide array of careers to choose from. Whether technical or professional, their multi-disciplined, skilled, and experienced stakeholders have successfully led various clients to safe and secured services with quality and transparency.

Selecting the best recruitment agency in Bangkok with proper criteria is the most excellent foundation you will ever have to get a recruitment agency committed to providing excellent service with the highest quality. Call or email Vinarco International today and take your career goal to the next level!

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