5 Easy & Best SEO Strategies to Improve Website Ranking

Today every business has its website design but just having a website is not the end of the game!

Each brand has a website in the market, but that’s not enough. There is a long process to take your site to the top-tier ranking and get more traffic from the right audience.

So, we are here to help you learn the BEST technique to improve your website ranking:

What is SEO and Why is it important?

Search engine optimization(SEO) is a key practice to improve your website ranking and reach the website to the right audience resulting in more traffic and engagement. SEO is one of the key factors today that help your audience click and convert, grow trust, and give a first impression of who you are and what you do.

For example, when any audience searches for ‘the benefits of having banana’  your page appears on the first page and that person clicks, and finds the information readable and good, giving an impression on that audience of your page likewise many similar interested audiences clicks lead to high traffic. There are unlimited benefits of doing SEO in the right way. Let us take you through a detailed study of what are tips that help our website rank and reach the right audience.

5 Best SEO Strategies to Improve Website Ranking


First, do keyword research on the primary keywords, the main words that should be common and user-friendly, and the secondary keywords that are close or related ones that rightly go with your page and bring the targeted audience to your page. For example, if you want ‘ Women’s Winter Collection’ searching people to see your website then make sure to use these keywords in your content, especially in the Title and description areas like women’s wear, Winter wear for women, latest women’s collection, etc. using common and most searched keywords help your page get ranked so make the keywords very simple, easy and user friendly and search intent. Use long tail keywords as they may make search results low but through specification, you get the right audience. Check what ‘people also ask’ to get an idea of what people related to your product or services are searching for or want the answers to.


Content is the king when it comes to SEO if you do not know how to write content that aligns with your right audience then it will be difficult to get traffic or clicks from your targeted clients and then the website is of no use. So making high-quality, engaging, solitary content, and most importantly answering all the questions to your audience is one of the reasons for taking your page to another level. Your aim should be to make a piece that people are searching for and are eager to read like a step-by-step guide to trading, tips for a healthy lifestyle,

5 ways to increase your Google ranking, and more. You should follow a format for writing like using headings, bullet points, and engaging points that should be highlighted secondly use max of 2000 words of content that is enough to give details.

use primary keywords in the title and use only a few keywords in the whole content as Google doesn’t prefer keyword stuffing as it leads to a bad impression and affects your SERP standards. It goes against the user perspective i.e. harming site ranking.


One of the tasks to always remember to do in clarity is the Meta title which should include the primary keyword it is considered to be a way of getting ranked so to get a fast ranking from Google,

You have to use Google Search Console by reindexing the page it is the heading or the tag for the whole document you are providing the information on and the Meta description that appears when it is listed in the search section. Description is another important reason to click to learn more about the information you provide to the audience. Keep the meta description not too short not too long max 155 words and should have a unique selling point (USP), why you, and keep a unique way of getting your audience is the tone, simplicity, and uniqueness that bring everyone’s eye to it.

Although meta descriptions don’t have a straight point of getting listed but google surely does improve your ranking if you match the user’s common searching point and provide the solution for the same.



It is one of the reasons to improve your site ranking and reach a new audience as well. so, on-page SEO means working on a good quality content piece with the right keywords and writing content that is common users are searching for! There is a high value of internal linking, that helps reach the old content on your website as well. Make sure to describe the image you are inserting in the website i.e. Alt text for images is mandatory. Improve your content with more relatable search keywords on the page.

Your URL structure should be descriptive in the right manner like including the primary keyword in it.

URL structure


Technical SEO is a little complicated but try to improve it by keeping an eye on the indexing, the site should be Mobile-friendly as the whole generation is using phones all day, and keep a good page speed by using the right hosting page because a slow site is like a rotten apple. Use a very simple design and avoid pop-ups in the design.


When it comes to off-page SEO out-of-the-website works like local SEO help get an audience that is around you through listing yourself in Google MyBusiness Profile (GMB) for example: “Digital Marketing agency near me”. Then, sharing your content is a way to get more backlinks like PR, Social media, Guest blog, Influencer marketing and more so, this off-page SEO helps you get more traffic through different ways of sharing your content.


There will be new trends and updates coming up every day so try to incorporate them into your content as it gives an impression of your website as very active and will improve your ranking as people always search for things that are going on the market for information or guidance. So, keep your content concise and informative. Going with new things or trending topics is one of the important parts today.

There will be a data-driven insight you will get through traffic or engagement and understanding all the things then make the required changes. Try to improve your content as needed and go with the topics or things that your audience likes more as it’s all about user experience. If you avoid that then Google will never take your page to the upper level so if you want your site ranking to improve then, you need to work equally on everything. Being updated and making improvements is crucial if you just make the website with normal content and think of getting traffic then the website is of no purpose.


In conclusion, SEO is not a one-time work rather it is a process you have to keep on improving to take your website ranking upper level. Following all the above techniques will help your page and always keeping up with new updates and making the required changes throughout the study will surely make you go one step higher. Nothing comes easy so whether you are a digital marketer or an expert you need to go with the process of optimization throughout and see your website getting a good rank. Understand your client needs and your company base align them together and provide a unique solution that no one has done so far. Still, do you think anyone can stop your company site from coming to the top page? Just keep improving as above described and watch the results!

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