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If you have a website that you think needs a new lease on life – you’re in the right place. Some blog and site owners get stuck with the same old site and are resistant to change. They think that if it’s not broken – why fix it? But you don’t know how much better your site could be for you and your business if you gave it an overhaul and really made sure it has the best SEO at its heart.
In this article, we’re going to look at how to give your SEO a boost – along with how to improve conversions so that more of your visitors turn into customers.
Improve the quality of your content
These days, you can’t get anywhere without quality content. You might have been able to spam your way to the top a decade or so ago, but those times are long gone.
Quality content speaks for itself – and could be compelling enough to turn an unsure visitor into one that converts. Not only that, nothing turns people away quicker than poorly written articles or content that’s obviously been thrown together in a rush.
There’s another reason why quality content is king these days – it actually helps promote your site for you. The better your content is – the more people will share it both on social media and on other websites (giving you some great backlinks in the process). That means you’ll be spreading your word for free thanks to producing content people like and want to tell their friends about.
Make sure you’ve got the right on-page SEO

Image Source: Pexels
If you’re running a WordPress blog, it’s easy to make sure you’re filling out all the back-end SEO metrics you need to be. Yoast SEO is one of the most popular plugins in the industry, and for good reason. Simply install the free version and get started – it’ll help you make sure all your meta tags, headlines and images are fully optimized for SEO, so you can spend your time on more important tasks.
Make sure your site loads quickly
Another way to turn visitors away quickly before they’ve even really started to explore your site is with one that loads slowly. People expect speed these days – and you need to deliver it.
You could lose countless interested visitors just because your page loads too slowly. So make sure you’ve got a streamlined version of your site with speed in mind – and that could mean limiting the number of images that are on your main page, or even moving web hosts.
With the growth in popularity of mobile browsing, speed is even more important. Some people only use their cell phone to browse these days – and many mobiles simply can’t handle large pages that are designed for traditional computers and browsers. Make sure you’ve got an ultra-fast mobile version of your site so that you don’t lose all those mobile visitors.
Keep your calls to action clear and above the fold
One way many websites fail to convert the visitors they should be is by making it unclear what they really want people to do on their site. Your calls to action should be clear and above the fold. You can use a sticky widget to keep them at the top no matter how far people scroll.
You need to reduce distractions as much as possible. While you might be able to make a bit of extra money with additional ads on your page – these could divert clicks from your main offer or call to action. Don’t let people guess what you want them to do on your site – make it clear and give them a compelling reason to do so (like a discount or a free offer).
Target the right keywords
While more visitors is normally better for your site – did you know that some of those visitors might actually be wasting your bandwidth? That’s because they could be arriving to your site via the wrong keywords.
You want to make sure that people clicking through to your site know what they’re coming for – and that you’re offering them a solution or product that’s relevant to them. That’s why so many sites fail, by trying to target the broadest search terms possible. They might have more monthly searches – but they’re also much harder to rank for AND provide you with visitors that might not want what you’re offering.
Try and target relevant, active keywords rather than something with an addition like “free” – that could give you visitors that simply don’t want to spend any money any time soon.
Get quality backlinks from relevant authorities
While more backlinks is normally good, quality is sometimes better than quantity. For that reason, try and form relationships or syndicate your content to a relevant authority in your industry. Those backlinks are worth so much more to your SEO.
Test the alternatives
Don’t simply assume you’ve got the best layout for conversions – make sure you know for sure. That means you need to run some A/B tests to really drill down on things and get the final design for your site that you know works.