The First 15 Things You Should Learn in SEO

SEO – Search Engine Optimization brings more organic traffic to the website. Search engines are governed by complex algorithms to make the webpage in opposition.

We are going to learn in detail about SEO

1. Domain authority and page authority

Domain authority and page authority

Domain authority and page authority predicts the site search ranking. Moz is a trustworthy domain that provides domain authority by calculating the quantity and quality of the inbound links that comes to the website.

Page authority is also similar to domain authority but it is page specific, its o used to make the page strategically favor when compared to others.

2. Keyword research

Keyword research

We need to do basic keyword research to build the domain more specific, there is a domain for evaluating keyword competition which is Mozbar. Keywords benefit search engine traffic and know more about the customer. Google search is organized by semantic and contextual understanding, we need to understand more about the headed, body and Long tail keywords.

3. LSI Keywords

LSI Keywords

LSI keywords (Latent Semantic Indexing) are keywords that are related to the main keyword. LSI keywords are simply words that are mostly found along with the main words because they share the same context. LSI helps to find the sheep from goats. LSI helps Google to the meaning of search query and webpage. They correlate between the people search and search result.

4. Link building

Link building

Link building is a simple process of getting a link from another website to your website.  All website give importance to build a link to get more referral organic traffic and increase their site’s authority. Building links are a major factor for Google to make it a trustworthy citation.Sites with more backlinks rank higher in Google.

5. On-Page SEO

On-Page SEO

On-page SEO is optimizing individual web pages that relate to get a higher rank and earn more relevant organic traffic in search engines. On-page refers to both the content and HTML source code of a page that can be optimized. On page SEO helps the search engines understand more about your website, to redirect the content that would be relevant to the people searching for.

6. Off-Page SEO

Off-Page SEO

Off-page SEO refers to the activities that are been performed outside the boundaries of your website. The important thing in Off-page SEO is link building, Social media and social bookmarking. Off Page SEO directs what the particular website perceive.

7. Competitor research

Competitor research

Competitor research analysis in marketing and strategic management is an assessment of the strengths and weaknesses of current and potential competitors. This analysis provides both an offensive and defensive strategic context to identify opportunities and threats.

8. SSL


SSL (Secure Sockets Layer) is a standard security protocol that is used for establishing encrypted links between a web server and a browser for online communication. The usage of SSL technology ensures that all data transmitted between the web server and browser remains encrypted.

9. Outreach


Outreach is an activity that provides services to many people who might not have access to those services. A key component of outreach is that the groups providing it are not stationary, but mobile; in other words, they are meeting those in need of outreach services at the locations where those in need are.

10. Rank Brain

Rank Brain

Rankbain is the third most important ranking signal, RankBrain is a machine learning (AI) algorithm that makes Google uses it to sort the search results. It also helps Google process and understands search queries.

11. Local SEO

Local SEO

Local SEO is optimizing your online presence to attract more business based on local search. People search for local businesses using various search engines like… Google, Bing, Yelp, Apple Maps, etc.. Optimising attracts more business.

12. Expert Roundup

Expert Roundup

13. Improve Loading Time and Responsiveness

Improve Loading Time and Responsiveness

14. CTR

Click Through Rate(CTR) is the percentage of people who click on your website per number of Impressions (In mathematical terms: CTR = Clicks/Impressions

15. Sitemap & Robots.txt

Robots.txt is a text file, This will help to instruct web robots, how to crawl pages(index or block) on their website.

Basic format:

User-agent: [user-agent name]

Disallow: [URL string not to be crawled]

A sitemap tells the crawler which files are important in your site for example – for pages, when the page was last updated, how often the page is changed. The sitemap will help bots(Google web crawlers) to crawl the website pages easily.

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