You might have heard about web-hosting and may even own a site as well, but did you know that you can make money by becoming a reseller of web-hosting services?
‘But I don’t need it? And I am happy running my site.’ If that is your answer, then you may not be the one for which this post is intended.
This post is meant for you if:
• You want to earn more!
• Want to render a better service to your clients
• Want to add more clients to your business
The Internet is not something which is here to stay. In these many years of existence, it has become the backbone of businesses of all scale. Today internet is driving the global economy.
Now, are you thinking how you can profit from this massive opportunity that internet has thrown open? And that too when you don’t have a technical background and almost ‘zero’ experience in running a business.
You Don’t Have To Be Tech Expert To Start Reseller Hosting Business!
But yes, if you have the basic know-how of websites, how they work, how they are created and the benefits of having one then you can start! To help you better understand; let’s see how a web-designer can be a good reseller of hosting service:
Example: Web-Designer as Reseller Host
A web-designer is one who designs websites for clients, they may be small static and dynamic, blog or e-business or just for informational purpose. As he frequently comes in touch with those who need a website, he can easily offers Windows hosting plans to them. In this way, the web-designer becomes a one-stop-shop (rendering better service) for all website related needs. And he earns not just by helping his clients with a website but is earning more by hosting them as well. Now if you are inquisitive to become one, here are the steps:
1. Go for a reseller hosting plan (one with good technical specs)
2. Start profiling clients (finding audience/buyers)
3. Explain the benefits (of having an internet presence)
4. Maintain Operations
5. Earn & ask for more (or find more)
Step-1: Buying a Reseller Hosting Plan with Good Technical Specs
When you are buying a Windows reseller hosting plan, you will have to make sure that it comes packed with all the features to deliver a great experience to your customers. A good reseller hosting plan (for a start) must offer:
1. Enough disk space ( >=50GB)
2. Large bandwidth ( >=200GB)
3. Reasonable monthly price
But before you buy such a plan, you will have to make sure that it includes:
• Unlimited domains, sub-domains, E-mail accounts, database (MySQL) and FTP accounts.
• Control Panel which is easy to use.
• 99.9% uptime guarantee
• Private name servers based on your domain
• Money Back Guarantee (more than 30 days)
You will have to keep in mind that once you have gained clients on your hosting plan, then they are served to the best. They should be able to manage their hosting and are getting required technical support whenever they need it. Your clients may need email accounts as well that they can open on their smartphones so you must provide them. To make sure:
• Your hosting clients must get easy to use control panel. They should be able to see how their website is doing. Whether hosting is used for e-commerce, blog, community, etc. they must be able to install the application quickly. Their data security concerns should be addressed as well.
• They must also get POP3 e-mail accounts with SMTP and should be able to access their emails with a good interface easily. If they want to access their email over the smart-phone, they must be able to do so. They must also get other functionalities like auto mail responders, aliases, etc.
• If they are looking for programming and databases (you never know, an advanced client may go for hosting with you), they should be able to get like a combination of PHP & MySQL.
• What if your client faces any challenge? Who is going to offer the required technical support? In most cases, the hosting service provider has a technical support center which is available round the clock over e-mail, phone, and online chat but you to check it.
Step-2: Start Finding Clients
Once you are ready to serve, you can discuss things in your social circle. Your clients may be first-time bloggers, informational site owners (maybe static) and forum owners and like these. While they may not be hungry for your services, but they may take a start once they understand the benefits.
Step-3: Explain the Benefits
If you are not a web-designer to whom clients come looking for hosting, then you will have to sound the benefits of the customers. For how long your client will remain with you if they don’t find any benefit? Not for long. To this end, you will have to explain to your clients that:
• A blog may make them more visible on the internet, and they look more genuine with it.
• Having an informational site can enable them to explain their services better and help them attract customers from the website.
• With a site, they can reach a global audience, and if the site has e-commerce, then they may even buy from it.
Step-4: Maintain Operations
Once you have a bunch of clients, you will want to manage them. A reseller hosting usually comes with a control panel which you can limit packages, specify the disk space to every client, control bandwidth, and control, manage rest other features. Using it you should be able to modify passwords, DNS, create and delete accounts for client joining/leaving you.
Step-5: Earn & Ask For More
With reseller hosting plan, you will be able to charge your clients for the services you have rendered. It is a monthly price which is usually a fraction of the cost of the reseller hosting plan. For instance, your reseller hosting plan costs you 1500 /mo/year, and you had 15 clients with you from whom you are charging 200/mo/year then you will be making 1500/mo/year. As you can always accommodate more clients based on the traffic usage, you can make more profits as well. And you can always ask for references.
Reseller Hosting Is An Excellent Opportunity for You If
• If you are ready to earn more
• If you want to ensure customer loyalty
• If you want to add more clients with better service
Avinash is a technical person who likes to write about anything that is directly or remotely connected to technology. From the stories of hardcore techniques, with the overall effectiveness of technology in life, Avinash is passionate about all things internet.